Paul Chwe MinChul An is a Korean-American muti-disciplinary bass singer in the Los Angeles area.   Critically acclaimed by The New York Times, Opera News, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, and others, he has originated 20 operatic, theatrical, film, and concert roles, in addition to performing 50 roles in the canon in a career spanning two decades.  Paul followed the advice of his teacher W. Stephen Smith at Juilliard, who told him to study and perform everything under the sun while achieving a specialist’s facility and depth in each discipline and genre.   

As an operatic Basso Cantante, he has performed works from Monteverdi, Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, to Meredith Monk with local, regional, and national companies such as LA Opera, San Diego Opera, Nashville Opera, Orlando Opera, PROTOTYPE Festival,and Long Beach Opera. 

As an Oratorio soloist and chamber musician, he has performed the works of early to contemporary masters with such groups as NY Philharmonic, LA Philharmonic, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Ensemble VIII, Tenet, and Laude in venues ranging from school gyms to Carnegie Hall.  

Although Paul does not consider himself fixed to one discipline or genre, he particularly revels in the collaborative process of originating roles.   He is lucky to call giants like Meredith Monk, Kamala Sankaram, Ellen Reid, Yuval Sharon, James Darrah, Julian Wachner, Beth Morrison, Kristin Marting, and Alex Gedeon,  his friends and collaborators.   

Adjacent to the stage, Paul Chwe MinChul An is working to carve out space for underrepresented artists.  As a consultant to performing arts organizations, as well as member of the Queens Voice Lab, he is joining other beautiful and powerful voices to decolonize, abolish, build, and raise up institutions and communities.